Alpaso - Los Tarantos


25 Members
25 Door

Baile: Costi El Chato (4, 6-10) · Katia Moro (4, 6-10) · Rebeca Monasterio (5) · Bladis (5)

Guitar: José “El Chote” (4-7, 9, 10) · Tomas Lorenzo (8)

Cante: Joaquin “El Duende” (4-8) · Juan Manzano Manzano (9, 10)

“Alpaso” is a vitalistic proposal based on the concept of “being in passing,” a graphic recreation of the brief, instantaneous intensity experienced by flamenco artists at the peak moment of their performance. It represents a magical moment reached through the vocation to feel, to transmit, to enjoy this art.

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