RAÚL LEVIA “De Grècia a Barcelona” - Los Tarantos

RAÚL LEVIA “De Grècia a Barcelona”

17 Members
17 Door

Raúl Levia vocals, Sócrates Mastrodimos guitar, Rocío Merino dancing (16th), Pol Jiménez dancing (17th to 22nd), Aida Orozco dancing.

Raúl Leiva leads this group of top artists. It’s no more than he deserves, as he is a cantaor with a long career – a flamenco singer who has worked with great stars on the national and international scene. He is accompanied by the tocaor Sócrates Mastrodimos, one of the greats of the new generations of flamenco guitarists. His music is characterised by a great beauty and the wide range of colours he expresses in every note he plays. For his part, the dancer Pol Jiménez draws on the styles of different schools to create choreographic figures based on the codes of Spanish dance. Jiménez, and also Rocío Merino, are both supported by the skill of Aida Orozco, a dancer whose stage presence and mastery expresses the full force of flamenco.

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